17th of Mirtul, 1492 DR
Thorne’s office shows the signs of his recent spiral. The desk that was once neat and tidy is piled high with stacks of paper and several days worth of dishes. He runs his hands through his hair, leaning back in his chair with a drawn out sigh. The party exits the East Barracks, leaving Corporal Thorne to deal with a mixture of relief and worry.
They return to the Silver Stag to celebrate their recent victory. As they sit at the largest table near the window, the panes reflect the cheery light of the inn’s common room against the dark night sky outside. Candles set on the tables and burning in rustic chandeliers cast moving shadows as the party sits and works out their plan. Valeria reaches out and flips the stone over, causing it to glow green and await their dinner choices.
Nimly cuts his eyes toward the tall woman and holds up a hand. “Before we get drunk, let's figure out our next moves for Haggard’s shipment.”
“Uh huh, the shipment.” Valeria slides the stone towards her and quietly murmurs into it.
Yávië pulls out a piece of paper with a number of lines and notations on it. "Haggard told me the bandits might be targeting the road to the southwest of Everlund, near the old watchtower ruins. I have a small map showing the expected route of the shipment.”
“May I?” Nimly takes the map to examine it. “Might be wise to approach that watchtower carefully. It could work as a lookout point for us, but it may be where the bandits are holed up. Hey, wait a moment.” Nimly pulls out the letter that he and Valeria found at Thorne’s house. “There’s a drawing on this letter that looks very similar to the path of the shipment. It doesn’t mention Haggard, but it does say that something is ‘vital that we intercept it’ and ‘heads will roll as a cost of failure’.” Nimly looks up to see Valeria looking towards the kitchen.
Yávië laughs. “Happy to cause heads to roll.”
A member of Darian’s staff appears, eyes a bit wide as she lugs 4 gallons of ale over, setting the cask beside the table. Valeria hands the serving woman a gold. “Keep the rest, honey.”
The server grins at Valeria, “Thank you, honey.” She winks and walks back towards the kitchen. Valeria rummages in her pack and brings out her Whispering Chalice, filling the ornate cup to the brim with ale.
Yávië takes the letter and looks it over. “Yes, this appears to be focused on Haggard’s shipment. It’s signed ‘R.V.’ at the bottom. Does that reference any of the known aliases off Thorne’s list?”
Nimly opens his journal to cross reference the list of known infiltrators that Thorne provided, and he shakes his head as he closes the book. “No, there’s no R.V. on that list. Someone high up, though. They are in charge of directing an assault on a large merchant caravan.”
Yávië taps her nails on the table. “I have some news that’s somewhat connected. I located the Celestial Orb and I do believe that opposing the bandits while helping Haggard will get me closer to obtaining it. And… I have a wedding to crash.”
Nimly smiles. “That’s great news about the Orb. Another reason to help this shipment reach town. Wait… a wedding?”
Valeria lights up. “Ooh! I love weddings! Most weddings have lots to drink!”
Yávië frowns at Valeria. “We can’t actually ‘attend’ the wedding. I just have to make it more memorable for the bride and groom.”
“Awww.” Valeria fills her Chalice again. “But… I can be memorable!”
“Whose wedding? I want to go.” Nimly looks back and forth between Yávië and Valeria.
Yávië sighs. “The happy couple comes from the Houses Silverleaf and Ravenshade. More on that later. I want to focus on our goals in regards to the shipment. It leaves Olostin’s Hold in the morning and it will travel to Everlund. Based on the marks in this letter from R.V., it may be attacked at as many as four places along that route.”
Nimly stands, coming around the table to look at the letter with Yávië. “The closest to us looks to be a tower just south of Everlund. We could get there in a few hours and neutralize any bandit presence there.”
Yávië nods. “We could crush bandits along the way and strive to reach the shipment before it rolls into the farthest marked ambush. Two objectives that point toward the same goal.”
Valeria giggles and sways as she downs another chaliceful. “Crush them. I’ll crush them. I’ll grow so big and crush them like rats!” Her eyes track down to Thorn who looks up at her, unaware of the verbal misstep. She gets close to the furry creature and hugs him. “I love you so much, Thorn. I would never crush you.” Thorn chirps and enjoys the ale-scented embrace.
Nimly nods solemnly at Yávië. He runs his fingers through the dust on the table and brings them up, drawing smudges beneath his eyes. “Let’s do this. Valeria can walk off her good cheer along the way.”
Valeria pours and throws back a final Chalice of ale and stands. "Ooh! Yes! Let's take down the tower! I like this idea! I’ve got eleven more feet in me. " Valeria arches her back and gives Nimly a languorous wink. She stores the ornate cup in her pack with exaggerated care and hefts the keg of remaining ale onto her shoulder.
Yávië smiles. “That’s settled. We have the plans, the will, and the hydration to get this done.”
The party leaves the comforting interior of the Silver Stag behind and heads to the Upriver Gate. They depart onto the well-trodden path depicted on the ever helpful map from Haggard. Valeria slowly lightens the burden on her shoulder with regular swigs as they progress. The trek proves uneventful as most merchants and travelers have settled in for the evening or reached their destinations. The party passes the miles quietly and quickly, relying on night-vision and the empty road to make good time. They fill the silence of their journey by refining their plan of attack.
“I’m going in with healing and supportive magic. Or I’ll blink in with Fey Step and swing my mace.” Yávië smirks at the keg. “Valeria, you can pee on them after we knock ‘em out. Shall we go in stealthy or with weapons held high?”
Valeria takes a swig from the keg and belches. “Well, I don't do quiet so you know my vote.”
The gnome walks along with quick steps to keep pace with the larger folk. “I prefer the stealth option, and even a glorious mountain like you has a chance to Pass Without a Trace when the moon is right.”
Valeria looks dubious. “I suppose it is possible. But hang on. What about spreading s’more of Selûne’s radiant message?”
Yávië claps her hands together. “Yes! That’s it, we all go in as initiates. That did work quite well at Thorne’s house.”
Valeria wipes her mouth on her sleeve. “I just want to be within swingin’ distance when the talking stops and the fighting starts."
As the party gets close, they see a watchtower in darkness, lit from below and within. They retreat into the cover of some bushes to don their initiate’s robes. Garbed appropriately, they abandon the manner of stealthy approach and walk unhurriedly up the path towards the beacon of light, chatting loudly amongst themselves as they go.
The tower looms within sight. It is tall and circular, studded with a few torches at the base and with glimmers of light shining from arrow slits on the first and second levels. There are cracked pieces of stone scattered next to the path that may once have been walls and fortifications. Some are no more than slumping piles of vegetation.
18th of Mirtul, 1492 DR (Midnight)
By the flickering torchlight, the party can see ivy and other foliage have begun a slow climb from the base of the tower, showing significant evidence of weathering and neglect. When they are within about sixty feet of the entrance, a figure kicks open the door and mutters a few words inside. He turns to the party and shouts, “Halt! Not a step closer!”
Valeria raises a calming hand in greeting. "We are but traveling initiates of Selûne, my lord! We sought to camp in the ruins and we saw the light of your torches. Maybe you have injuries we could tend to in exchange for the protection of this tower?"
The tall thin man glances back inside the watchtower. He then steps out from the doorway, eyes narrowed suspiciously. He looks the party up and down, taking in the robes and the giant rat following behind them. “Initiates, huh? We don’t need no healers here, and we don’t take kindly to strangers pokin’ around. Best you turn and find somewhere else to camp.”
Nimly waves his Wand of Whispers and casts a silent spell that enhances his arcane senses. “My wand of healing here can cure scurvy, indigestion, and impotence! Surely, someone inside must need the light of the Moon tonight?” (Deception:nat 1)
The man’s expression shifts from suspicion to a savage smirk. He shouts, “Looks like we’ve got trouble, boys. A silly cleric is waving a wand at me.” A chorus of guffaws and jeers roll out of the tower.
Roll Initiative.
Round 1
Nimly shouts out, “Oh, we’re no trouble. You wait up there. We’ll come to you.” Nimly points his Wand of Web three feet behind the man and lets fly, sending a tangle of magical spiderwebs into the area to form a twenty-foot cube of difficult goo that covers the open doorway of the watchtower. He begins a slow walk forward.
Thorn wiggles his butt and keeps pace with Nimly, waiting for Valeria to lead the charge. He chirps happily as the web glimmers and flows through the flickering torchlight.
Valeria tears off the garb of Selûne as she rushes the entangled bandit. Drawing her sword smoothly at the last moment, she strikes him hard against his leather armor. Catching her balance, she brings her shield around in front of her as he quavers a bit and staggers back.
Thorn follows quickly on Valeria’s heels and jumps at the rude bandit. He cries out and puts up an arm as the big rat sinks his teeth into the armored limb. Thorn hops back and slips into a similar guard position to Valeria, squeaking a chilling battle cry.
Yávië uses her elvish tricks to Fey Step in as a bonus action and hits the beleaguered bandit with her mace upside the head, finishing the brutal one-two-three as he slumps to the ground lifeless.
There is an escalating cry of alarm from inside the tower as the attack happens in a few brutal coordinated seconds. The creak of bunks emptying and the clatter of weapons retrieved comes through the open doorway.
Round 2
Nimly reads as he walks, moving up nearer to the rest of the party. With the pamphlet of Selûne open, "’As the silver moon waxes and wanes, so too does all life’. Wow, they really don’t sugar coat it. According to Selûne, they're all gonna turn to worm food." He stows the pamphlet and moves up nearer to the doorway where he can see inside the tower. Fingers raised, he launches an Eldritch Blast at a dwarf inside, with short cropped red hair. The bandit staggers from the spell, but remains standing, his face pained and determined.
A gnome with long blond hair and brown eyes leaps through most of the webs with style and takes a stab at Valeria. The dagger wobbles as her footing falters and Valeria dodges the attack easily. The gnome keeps her feet and gives a worried glance at her late companion.
Thorn moves around behind Valeria to reach the teetering gnome. He nips at her and scores a hit on her right hand, causing her to shout curses about webs and rats.
The gnome is cut short as Valeria swings her sword, slicing in an arc through the webs to bite into the bandit’s thigh. She hobbles back a pace, glancing in desperation toward the empty stairs behind her.
A halfling leaps from inside the doorway and into the webs, attempting to replicate the agile feat of the gnome. The jump is not as skilled and the halfling trips to stagger into a restrained position halfway into the webby mass. The cry of alarm and frustration is muffled.
Yávië uses Invoke Duplicity in the same space as herself. She then walks through the web and into the tower with her illusion at her side. Thorn’s eyes go wide as he sees Yávië blorp into two distinct figures. He takes a deep breath and his eyes go tight. The leather barding creaks. He opens one eye and looks around hopefully for a second rat.
A crossbow bolt flies from the stairway as a tall broad-shouldered man skids to a stop on a stone step. Valeria watches the wicked projectile whiz past her head and looks at the striking figure. The bandit leader is wearing black and green studded leather armor, sneering at the figures that have invaded his domain.
Round 3
Nimly spins from his cover against the outside wall and sets his sights on the dwarf. He throws another Eldritch Blast, infusing it with Repelling Blast. The force spell hits the dwarf squarely in the chest and sends his limp corpse flying backward ten feet. He ducks back out of sight, taking cover against the outer wall of the weathered structure.
Thorn moves up beside the blond gnome and tears a giant chunk out of her thigh. She tries to drop her weapons and stop the bleeding, but it is too late. She collapses into the webs, her life blood seeping out into a spreading puddle of crimson.
Valeria casts Giant’s Might, suddenly standing eleven feet tall as she moves effortlessly into the web. She picks up the wide-eyed halfling and heaves the small form toward the dashing man on the stairs. The leader frowns and steps to the side as the little halfling smashes into the wall; the projectile takes lethal damage and leaves a smear of gore at the impact point, falling to a heap on the stairway.
Yávië uses her bonus action to create a Spiritual Weapon next to the bandit leader. The man’s eyes narrow, and he dodges out of the way as the morningstar takes an immediate swing at him. Yávië then raises and fires her crossbow at the leader. The bolt flies true and strikes him in the arm.
With a cry of pain, the bandit leader looks down between Yávië and her twin image, unable to pick out the true elf. He steps forward and swings at Valeria with his scimitars, her large body now within reach. Both swings glance harmlessly off her armor, leaving Valeria with a giant grin on her face. He darts back halfway up the stairway, moving with agility to avoid the knight’s opportunity attack.
Round 4
Nimly moves into the doorway, avoiding the webs. He fires an infused Eldritch Blast at the last member of the bandits still standing. The spell strikes the bandit leader, knocking him backward to slam against the inner wall of the tower and topple forward off the stone stairway. He falls poorly, landing prone and entangled with a cot.
Thorn jumps and spins to clear the web around him, running forward to latch onto the bandit leader’s exposed ankle. He cries out with terror and despair as the rat shakes him.
Valeria spins her sword once and brings it down on the stunned man’s skull with advantage. He breathes his last as his head is cleaved from his body in a messy spray of blood and bone.
Yávië looks grimly at the carnage. “Valeria, Nimly, we’ll need to work on our preaching. There won’t be any conversions tonight.”
Intrepid adventurers and DMs, I hope you enjoyed this tale!
May your rolls be critically high or dramatically low, adding flavor and excitement to your campaigns!