Aug 1Liked by Dungeon Master, Dungeon Mistress

This may be a silly question, but are these well known characters that you write about or are they original? Is there more to ready about Nimly Sparkleshine?

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Not silly at all! Yes they are original characters.

Here is the index


We have many more stories for each character, and more characters we’ll be releasing as well.

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Aug 7Liked by Dungeon Master, Dungeon Mistress

Bravo! I already love Nimly and his rat mount! As a huge fan of having domesticated rats for pets, I love the inclusion of one as something other than a foe. They are intensely intelligent creatures who all have their own personalities and even senses of humor, if you can believe that. I had one that would pay pranks on me and then run off chittering in what can only be described as joyous ratty laughter. Thank you for this! Will definitely be reading more!

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Thorn was the first pet in the world. It was an exciting moment! One of the homebrew rules for the world is that pets level with their player character. It makes the pets an asset and a companion along the journey.

I did not know that they had a sense of humor, that is incredible! Joyous ratty laughter, I love it. <3

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We would let our two out to free range around the bedroom while we were in there with them, and the one would hide up under my bed and every once in a while she would dart forward and boop the back of my calf with her little whiskery nose when I wasn't expecting it, causing me to shriek and jump. And Dot (that was her name) would chitter with laughter and run back under the bed to lay in wait for her next sneak attack. It was most assuredly entertaining to her. We have had a lot of rats over the years but Dot and her sister Dr Frinkleshitz (this is what my youngest named his rat😄) they were quite a pair. I used to call them our rats of NIMH because they were so smart and had such personality.

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There are some stories of rat intelligence in one of Bill Bryson's books that I'll never be able to forget. These feats were caught on camera, as the people were mystified at the missing goods.

1) A few dozen rats forming a pyramid of squirming bodies so that the rat on top can hop up to a hanging piece of meat, who then chews off the meat around the hook, causing the whole piece to fall to the ground.

2) A pair of rat egg-thieves who found some eggs and wanted to safely bring them back to the nest. One rat would hug an egg and flip over onto their back, while the other tugged on the first rat's tail, forming a serviceable egg-wagon to get the prize back home.

I do love the bond here that begins and gets stronger as the story develops!

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Sep 23Liked by Dungeon Mistress

I've been meaning to read this for awhile. I don't know what I waited for. It's incredibly vivid and imaginative. I can't wait to read more.

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I'm so glad you like it - thank you!

Maybe you waited for the same reason I wait for a season to be done before I start watching. :)

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Grahl. I have a lovely liking to this name, and I used it once myself for a TTRPG campaign. But mine was an old Wookiee Jedi Master.

Nice start!

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Then Grahl remains a powerful name indeed!

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Jul 17Liked by Dungeon Mistress

This was an enjoyable read and I've already taken interest in Nimly Sparkleshine! Looking forward to catching up and keeping up with your game!

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Awwe thank you for the comment! It’s been very fun cultivating our raw campaign data into stories. I’m very excited to have you reading along!

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You're welcome! I know how important comments are for motivation (at least for me!). Is this a group game that you're bringing over into narrative? Seems like you're playing 5th edition (judging by the skill checks and character classes)?

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Yes! 5e, it a pbp game that I’m running via discord and quest portal. I started all the characters out solo.

I’m trying to play this with the individual characters as the focus instead of groups. Players have the opportunity to group with other PCs or NPCs as they go along.

Focus on crafting and relationships to add flavor to the world along with the main campaign arc.

Yes, I thrive on comments and knowing that people are reading my content. 🥰

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I have run several duet pbp games with 5e via discord. Have never used Quest Portal. Might need to look into that.

Focus on Crafting? Please elaborate (its one of the things in TTRPGs that I don't see enough of but I LOVE).

I, too, thrive on the approval comments and likes/restacks provide.

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I tried Roll 20 first. My players were having a hard time getting through the character sheet creation.

Quest Portal is more user friendly. It is also fairly new, so far there have been new features each week. Developers on their discord have been very interactive with players ideas and concerns.

Just last week they launched several templates for a variety of different gaming systems, including DnD 5e.

Here is an example of one of my crafting tables. I love fishing in every game I play, so I introduced Angling!


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Jul 17Liked by Dungeon Mistress

I am in love with that table! I do love fishing in games!

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